The Sourpussies are Cayenne (pronounced see-EN-uh) Slye and Opal Duckworth. We like sour beers. We don’t like other beer styles so we beg you not to contact us about how great a brewery’s IPAs, stouts, porters are. We don’t care. We review sours.
About Cayenne (pron. see-EN-uh)
Cayenne Sly is from Nags Head Island, N.C. She is a methadone clinic manager who currently resides in DoIknowyou?, N.C. Her hobbies are reading books and newspapers made of actual paper and making children cry.
About Opal (pron. like Opal, not in some pretentious way like some people)
Opal Duckworth is from Gaston County, NC. She is a dolphin speech therapist who currently resides in Mindyourfuckingbusiness, N.C. Her hobbies include helping people develop a realistic understanding of their self-worth and minding her fucking business.